Armstrong Falcons
Plymouth, MN
2025 Armstrong Summer Camp
Thank you for your interest in our summer camp opportunity! We are excited to be extending this opportunity in 2025. The camps will be open to the students in the area ranging from 3rd to 12th grade. AHS Coaches and players are excited to share their love of volleyball with your player! The camp descriptions are below but will work on skill basics and help improve players ability to pass, serve, hit, and block for all skill levels.... and have fun doing it!
Grades 3-6th & 7th beginner level
Session #1: July 14th-17th
10 am - 12 pm
For grades 3-6 & 7th grade beginner volleyball players who are interested in improving their skills. If you are a beginner entering 7th grade this camp is for you.
Grades 7th-12th (7th grade intermediate to club level)
Session #2: July 14th-17th
12 pm - 3 pm
This camp is for players entering 9-12 grade. Especially if you have played on a high school team previously. IF you are an intermediate level 7th grader or have played on a club team this camp if for you.
Boys 7th - 12th grade
Session #3: July 14th-17th
2pm - 5pm
This camp is for players entering 9th -12 grade who have played no a high school team or are interested in playing on the team this spring. Additionally any boy interested in learning about the sport is welcome to attend.
Cost: Register for the full camp for only $90.
Register by completing the registration form below. Once you have registered, payment can be made here via Venmo or by cash or check the first day of camp. Check should be made out to Stand Tall Volleyball. Please include players name and camp session in Venmo payment.